This site is dedicated to informing our RN colleagues about what is happening in NYSNA from unfiltered sources. NYSNA I See You believes that knowledge is power and our Union will be stronger when the members know the truth… We invite all!

Who Is Really Running The Union?

Does Nancy Hagans and the Board of Directors even know what is going on? We don’t think so! Do they know how much Judy is still getting paid by the union? Does Nancy know that Pat is taking her direction from Judy? Do they know staff nurses (rank and file members) are getting subpoenaed and…

Major Victory For Slate 2

Yesterday’s vote count proved most of the membership is disaffected and alienated from NYSNA. 93% of the membership voted for nobody! Only 7% of the membership participated in the election. Slate 2 received 40% of the overall vote and won 2 seats on the board of directors. Congratulations to Cynthia Caruso and Bruce Lavalle who…

We Told You So! Judy Shows Her Behind

We have been telling you all along who was running the Slate 1 show, and who will continue to run them after the election.This time they put their names and pictures on it. Once again they make outrageous allegations with no evidence. Even the worst politician takes their opponents words out of context but here…

So many unanswered questions so little time

Slate 1 has been distributing this leaflet with no proof of their allegations, no quotes, no nothing. Meanwhile Slate 2 decided not to use this document because they felt it was too negative. Thankfully someone emailed us a copy with the Slate 1 leaflet. Slate 1 never answered our questions so we are posting what…

Slate 2 The Expect Better/Unite NYSNA Slate Has Responded To Our Questions

Valerie B valerienysna@gmail.comTo: Muckraker RN Contact@nysnaiseeyou.orgWe hope this provides some clarification.Tue, May 25, 2021 at 10:53 PM Have any of the Board Members who are not running for reelection been promised jobs? If so who, what positions, and at what compensation?No.The Expect Better: Unite NYSNA slate has heard whispers that if the incumbent slate remains…

Update: So Many Questions So Little Time

We hope everyone is aware by now that the NYSNA Board of Directors election is coming up very soon. We have been told ballots go out on June 1st. No one seems to know when ballots will be counted. we have added a question that came in this morning. As of now we have not…

You Can’t Make It Up

NYSNAIseeyou has reported on some strange occurances at NYSNA over the last year and a half. But we are baffled by the latest decision by NYSNA’S leaders in their spectacularly unsuccessful attempt to gain a first contract for the 2000 nurses at Albany Medical Center.   

You Asked For It: NYSNA’s Financial Disclosures

We have received numerous requests for NYSNA’s financials. So here they are: 2018-2019 LM2 and 2019-2020 LM2. There are numerous people earning over $200,000 per year and some close to $300,000 per year. We are on the lookout for the 2020-2021 LM2, which hasn’t been filed yet. This is very interesting because all of the…

Lawsuits Filed Against NYSNA and More Coming

At least two former staff have filled suit against the union and the cases are currently heading to court. We have also learned that at least one class action suit is in the process of being filed. The latest claim involves both current and former staff.

It’s Official! Department of Labor Investigating NYSNA

We reported that numerous LBU officers filed charges against Judy Sheridan and Pat Kane. After months of delay the Department of Labor has opened an investigation. This is a major victory for the membership. Few charges to the DOL actually end up getting investigated. The fact that an investigation was opened proves there was enough…

Whoops……. They Did It Again

We can now report that the “dynamic duo” of Judy Sheridan and Pat Kane have reversed gears and decided to endorse the agreement reached a week ago by NYSNA, 1199 and the CWA along with Hospital Industry representatives under the watchful eye of the New York State Legislature. While the board of directors were told…

UPDATE: Breaking: Pat and Judy walk away from staffing legislation only to be forced to act responsibly?

NYSNAIseeyou has received numerous communications from within NYSNA, as well as other sources involved in the discussions, that a tentative agreement with various unions and the hospital industry was struck last week on a compromise safe staffing bill. Neither Pat or Judy bothered to be involved in the negotiations, instead they sent the political director.…

From Major Players to Bit Players

H&H is already enduring out right layoffs. As we enter into another wave of Covid, we need political clout now more than ever! Due to Pat Kane, the Executive director, Judy Sheridan-Gonzalez, the President, and a Board of Directors (that are less than useless) our safe staffing bill is DEAD. We don’t need autocrats leading…

UPDATE! Politico exposes NYSNA Corruption and Dysfunction

The Staff has been Ordered NOT To Share This Article with the members! Spread it Far and Wide Today Politico published an article telling the world what most of us already know. “‘A year from hell’: The war inside the state’s largest nurses union” Covid was just the icing on the cake. We lost Jill…

We Paid For A $200,000 Publicity Stunt

Are the attorneys milking the union or as we have posited in the past was this just a publicity stunt? If your attorney lost three out of three cases would they still be your attorney? Why are we paying attorneys that keep losing cases?

NYSNA Staff in Open Revolt:

Does this really represent who we are as nurses, as a multicultural organization, as a professional organization? When the staff asked Pat Kane about the lack of a statement from NYSNA her response was “ there are NYSNA members who are Trump supporters”. This is what passes for leadership now.

OPED “We Are Not Victims“

During the most difficult time of our careers, NYSNA leadership was busy throwing us under the bus and attempting to turn nurses into victims.

Lead, Follow, or GET OUT OF THE WAY

We are Nurses. We know how viruses spread and the actions of NYSNA Leadership clearly did nothing to mitigate the spread of this disease. Twitter was more proactive in protecting the community and their staff

Where’s Waldo

Hello? Anyone home? Any NYSNA member know where our union leadership is hiding? Are they playing cards? Yes, I mean Pat Kane, those advising her, Judy Gonzalez-Sheridan, BOD, and our political team?

A Report from H&H

A Report from last weeks H and H Executive Council meeting. Once again H and H members questions go unanswered!

Happy F***ing New Year

The Purge Has Begun We deeply regret having to publish this article on the first day of the New Year. We hoped the Judy and Pat regime would wait until after the holidays to start firing people. Sadly they did not. Two days ago the first two staff members were fired! Gabe Cristal and Carla…

The Looting of the Treasury has Begun!

After three weeks of Pat Kane starting her job as “Director in Training” Jill Furillo got fired and Pat is taking over. Pat and Judy now have complete control of the Union and our dues!

Jill’s Last Day Is Friday!

Jill is getting fired! Her last day is Friday. We have copies of her severance agreement and Pat Kane’s Executive Director Contract

Jill Furillo being pushed out by Board of Directors

We have been getting emails from numerous sources stating Jill Furillo is leaving very soon. Some say she is taking an FMLA because Judy and Pat want her out now. Others say she is being offered something to leave now. The only thing they all say is that whenever someone is fired they have to…

2nd Update: Congratulations NYCHH Nurses!

See a copy of the full MOA! We were able to accomplish these major gains not because of Judy Sheridan-Gonzalez and Pat Kane but in spite of them. They kept trying to Invade our negotiations but we wouldn’t let them Attend.

We Were Right The Fix Was In

We told you! Judy announced her exoneration before the letter was even sent! No investigation. No Accountability.

Why Does Montefiore Get More Staff than any other Hospital?

We pay the same if not more dues than Monte depending on our size so why do they get more staff s support than everyone else? Is it because Judy and Karine are on the Executive Committee? Is it because they need a place for all their DSA cohorts to work? More than likely both!

Judy Played Us Again

There is No Real PAC! There are No Real Bylaws! The Board of Directors controls the endorsements. The Board of Directors controls the contributions.

Letter of Support

With all of the work around the convention we somehow missed the below email. Barbara is a former NYSNA Activist and as she said “I am more than aware of the corruption that exists with this elitist group and the need to bring them down.” So are we Barbara, So are we

Is There Going To Be A Reign of Terror At NYSNA?

We hear the knives are out for anyone on staff who helped us ,the Nurses, that dared to speak truth to power! We are told Pat and Judy are already planning on cleaning house and giving jobs to all of their DSA cohorts. Thankfully the Program Representatives are in a union so they won’t be…

Meet The Rudy Giuliani of NYSNA

Mark Brenner and according to his resume he has been the real Executive Director and President of NYSNA since 2011. Excerpts below. New York State Nurses Association – We have been working with the leadership of this 40,000member union since 2011. Projects include: • Planning the union’s first-ever coordinated contract campaign, involving almost 20,000 members…

The Fix Is In

Judy announced from the stage that the charges were dropped. Not True In Fact New Charges were sent to the DEPARTMENT of LABOR and the Board of Directors. The original charges have not been heard! There’s Democracy for you!

Report from last nights Board meeting

As Everyone Knows we are very Busy here in Albany. Below is a email that was sent to us without comment. Valerie Burgos 7:41 AM (8 hours ago) to Muckraker Tonight’s Board of Directors Mtg The meeting was originally closed. I was turned away at the entrance by an H&H member who was actingas security for…

Big Shout Out to All the Convention Delegates!

H and H is on 🔥 The only people speaking in favor of the Boards Position are BOARD MEMBERS Over 80% of the Delegates voted in favor of Accountability Transparency and Democracy Time to Pass the Torch

If you have verifiable information that should be shared with the rest of the union email us at. Contact@nysnaiseeyou.org

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Legal Statement: NYSNAISEEYOU is a labor union related site which strives to publish accurate, factual information, as well as, opinion. Information provided to this site may or may not be true and NYSNAiseeyou makes no warranty as to the validity of any claims. If you think there is false info on this site, email us and we will consider a correction.  Muckraker … the editorial board of NYSNAiseeyou